About the Journal

The Journal of Social-Political Studies of Iran's Culture and History is published to enhance the academic and specialized level of the community and to introduce the scientific and research activities and investigative articles of faculty members, researchers, and scholars.

Objectives: Efforts and collaboration to develop political and social research in the contemporary history of Iran; commitment to establishing research areas and political and social studies in the contemporary history of Iran; creating convergence between political sciences and social sciences as fields of humanities.

Scope: Publication of scientific articles on various political and social aspects of the lives of the people of Iran throughout its contemporary history, with an emphasis on the following areas: theoretical and methodological discussions in the field of political and social studies; social and political strata and classes; social and political beliefs; social policies and political communities; social and political institutions; comparative studies of political and social fields of Iran and other countries; livelihood and daily life; population and migration; natural disasters; diseases; health and medicine; rural and urbanization; customs and traditions; pastoral and nomadic life; and other specific areas of research in political and social studies.

Open Access Statement
This journal is committed to immediate and real open access for academic work. All the original articles, technical briefs and review papers published in this journal are free to access immediately from the date of publication.

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