Explanation of the Ideology and Political, Social, and Economic Programs of the People's Party of Iran (1954-1978)


    Sayed Hashem Aghajari Associate Professor, Department of History, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
    Mehdi Zamani * Department of History, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran [email protected]


People's Party of Iran, Socialism, Theism, Iran, Ideology


The research problem of the present study is to examine the ideology of the People's Party of Iran and investigate its programs in political, social, and economic arenas. Through an analytical and descriptive approach to historical sources and data, responses to the aforementioned problem were provided. Based on the research results, the party, according to its periodical analysis, assessed Iranian society on the brink of a social transformation and promoted a program grounded in an ideology aimed at realizing this transformation. The ideology in question was socialism based on theism, emphasizing a religious identity in its monotheistic form while also considering moral and humanistic socialism. Additionally, in the political arena, the party sought to overthrow the monarchical system and establish a democratic system. In social and economic arenas, it pursued socialist transformation focusing on fundamental rights and freedoms of the people, eradicating poverty and unemployment, providing jobs and bread, and ensuring conditions for education and healthcare for all. The party also aimed to adopt a national economic policy and pursue programs for economic growth and development, strengthening domestic production, and equitable wealth distribution, administrative reorganization, and more. The strategy for transition in this program was based on the premise that due to the incompetence of the old system in responding to the people's demands and the inability of social classes to seize power through classical means, a political and revolutionary group must strip the ruling class of political and governmental power through widespread and extensive struggle, replace them, and realize transformation and change in all social aspects.


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How to Cite

Aghajari , S. H., & Zamani, M. (1403). Explanation of the Ideology and Political, Social, and Economic Programs of the People’s Party of Iran (1954-1978). Journal of Social-Political Studies of Iran’s Culture and History, 3(1), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.61838/kman.jspsich.3.1.1

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